Silk Mill, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1981

Catherine McQuillen, a warper, checks the fine silk threads as they stretch form their spools to a large wooden warping wheel.

Anna Osika, a winder, watches as the silk thread is wound onto spools.

Emily Stoddard


Emily Stoddard

John Thomas



Lou Capwell, mill owner.

Catherine McQuillen

Frank Sage, machine repair.

Emily Stoddard

Emily Stoddard

Catherine Guzy

Pattern Cards

Charlie Diehl (left) and coworker

John Thomas (left), Mary Guzy (center), and Emily Stoddard

Philio Zoppi (left), Aaron Carl (right)

Catherine Guzy (left) and Mary Stoddard

John Thomas

Catherine McQuillin, a warper, selects spools.

June Hassler

Anna Osika, a winder, monitors silk thread wining into spools.

Changing out a spool.

Aaron Carl, loom repairman.

Emily Stoddard and co-worker

June Hassler

Larry Moser (left), coworker, Louis Capwell (right).

Philip Zoppi among the looms.

Weaver Mary Stubits discusses performance issues with loom repairman.

Mary Guzy (left) and sister Catherine with machine repairman Frank Sage.